general criteria pretty much!

not much else to add or say!

I just LOVE collecting rocks! I love nature as well! 

I love eating cookies, they're like edible, delicious rocks! 


about me

S.A.M. gave me this paper ages ago, so might as well use it! 

My name's R.O.C.K! I go by She/Her. I'm friends with S.A.M, and have a brother named M.A.D

nowadays I collect rocks and hangout with fellow robots! 

scroll to read more

I don't think I have one! 



music wall

triple baka (驫麤~とりぷるばか~)

aki <3, mahoushoujo, melody :3

メズマライザー (feat. 初音ミク&重音テト)

Satsuki, Hatsune Miku, 重音テト

Bug Music to Collect Bug Rocks to

Axosun, Dynzz

please send me all ur rocks!